The 35th Annual Downtown Orlando MLK Holiday Celebration will take place on Saturday, January 19th at 10 am.
The parade will feature community and civic organizations, leaders, dignitaries, a caravan of local small and minority businesses, and the nation's most talented marching bands!
Register online here
In remembrance of Dr. King's life and legacy we are soliciting a record number of participants for the Holiday Parade. This year we expect an estimated 8,000 spectators at the parade. We are hopeful that the 2019 parade and celebration will remind our attendees “the most precious gifts in life––like children and love and time––must never be taken for granted.”
Participating in the event is not only fun but it also provides you with an excellent way to market your organization or business while celebrating a remarkable legacy of courage and unity in our community. We are asking all participants to embrace this year’s theme in their submissions. Because we all enjoy an eventful parade we are encouraging decorative floats and discouraging a traditional motorcade for this year’s parade.
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